Saturday, February 23, 2013

Summer Scholastic Enrichment Programs

Summer Enrichment for
  • Free
  • DC/Local Area
  • Out of the Area

Microsoft Summer Camp for Girls Grades 10-12 (DigiGirlz High Tech Camps)
This is a three to five day experience providing girls with a better understanding of what a career in technology is all about. Two essays are required. Applications are available online FREE!

DC/Local Area

American University "Discover The World Of Communication"
This American University summer program in association with Newseum and AFI offers high school students in grades 9 - 12 the opportunity to explore the world of communication through 19 noncredit classes that include such filmmaking, script writing and video production, directing and acting for the camera, photography, news writing and more.

City Year, Washington DC (Americorps)
Graduating seniors who are not sure what they want to do after high school should consider applying for a paid community service position with City Year, Washington, DC., a group of 17-24 year olds committed to full-time service for ten months in the Washington, DC community. Benefits include: living stipend ($200 per week), health care coverage, free metro pass, and $4,725 educational scholarship. For more information email: or email: or call: 202-776-7780, Amanda Seligman. Recruitment open houses will be held once a month at their headquarters: 918 U Street, NW, 2nd floor, Washington, DC 20001.

District Of Columbia National Guard Youth Leaders' Camp
Enrollment for the District of Columbia Youth Leaders' Camp must be received by the beginning of June. Accepted students will be required to attend one of two pre-camp orientations in June. Applicants must be ages 13-15.

George Washington University Summer Scholars Program
A six-week residential program for rising seniors giving them the opportunity to earn college credit, access university resources, and preview an authentic college experience. 10-day minicourses are offered to rising 10 th -12 th graders in Law & Evidence, Photojournalism, Election Politics and Biomedical Engineering. Call 202-242-6802

Georgetown University’s Summer College at Georgetown University
Engaging courses that will help students advance their preparation for success in college. Courses include Summer College, College Prep Program, Law and Society, Journalism, Leadership and Ethics, Sports Industry Management, International Relations, and more. Students are admitted on a rolling basis; admission is competitive and early applications are encouraged. Limited partial tuition scholarships are available.

Georgetown University Pathways to Success 
Invites current sophomores and juniors who have a 3.5 GPA or higher and a genuine interest in science to their summer mini-semester in the health sciences. The program runs from Mid-June to mid-July. Students who enroll at the of their sophomore year are expected to return the following summer as a rising senior. Interested students should contact Joseph Riggs at 202-687-1309
George Washington University's Computer Science Summer Camp
Courses in game development, animation, Java, and robotics. Sessions are held in July. No programming knowledge required. Middle school and high school students are invited to apply. Please visit our website at

Maryland Summer Centers For Gifted And Talented Students
The Maryland Summer Centers engage gifted and talented students entering grades 3-12 in unique summer programs at a number of locations across the state. Tuition varies for these one or two week residential and nonresidential programs with a focus on the arts, sciences, mathematics, technology, engineering, history, law and government, and creative writing. Financial assistance is available. Please visit

UMBC Upward Bound Math And Science Summer Residential Program
This federally funded program is designed to introduce high school students to mathematics and science careers. All expenses for field trips, meals, and housing for the six week summer program is paid for by the U.S. Government. Students must be in 9, 10, or 11th grades with minimum 3.0 GPA and be low-income or first-generation college status.

University of Maryland, College Park
Women in Engineering, E2@UMD, rising juniors and seniors.

University of Maryland, College Park: LIFT Summer Pre-college Program
For students entering Gr. 10 - 12.
For more information call 301-405-6785.
University of Maryland, College Park: LIFT Summer BRIDGE program
For students entering college in the fall of 2013.
For more information call 301-405-6785.
University of Maryland Science Immersion Program
The Summer Science Immersion Program consists of one-week sessions available during the month of July from 9:00-4:00 daily. This program is for rising high school juniors or seniors who are interested in forensic science, biomedical science and animal behavior, and Physiology. Last year there were over 200 applicants for 100 slots and the average WGPA of students admitted to the program was 3.83. For more information call 301-404-3353. Required: essay, transcript and teacher recommendation.
University of Maryland: The Portz Scholars Summer Program
A four day residential experience hosted by the Honors College athe Univ. of MD designed for academically serious-minded students who value and look forward to a college education.

University of Maryland Young Scholars Program 
Targets rising juniors and seniors who have a strong academic record and a desire to excel to experience college life while earning three academic credits. 4 courses are offered for three weeks in month of July.
MICA Summer 2013
offers a pre-college studio residency program in Baltimore or in Tuscany during the summer month. Visit or call 410-225-2219.

MICA Pre-College Studio Residency Summer Program
The Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore invites high school students to participate in their summer program. Up to 40 full and partial Gelman Trust scholarships based on merit will be awarded to outstanding rising juniors and seniors who've been accepted into the summer program. For information about the program email
Montgomery College “How to Succeed in College”
For high school seniors who want to prepare for success at Montgomery College. This is a two-week orientation program earning one credit at MC. Visit

Montgomery County Youth Programs
Offers enrichment programs for students in K-12. Visit

Natural Resources Careers Conference
This seven-day conference is designed for Maryland high school students interested in pursuing a career in forestry and natural resources. Students will learn about working in the field of natural resources, the education required and career options. The cost of the program is paid by the country Forestry Boards.

NIH Summer Research Program For High School Students
Twenty-five students will be selected for the Summer Research Program for high school students interested in careers in the Biomedical sciences. Student will work eight weeks in the summer with an assigned advisor and receive a stipend based on grade level.

Recreation Department Summer Teen Volunteer Opportunities
The Montgomery County Department of Recreation's Youth Services and Therapeutic Recreation Program is seeking teen volunteers who would like to train to become recreation leaders to provide assistance for the department's summer camp programs. Teens must be 14 years old by the start of the summer session and be able to commit for the entire session.

Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, Maryland Leadership Workshops
Brings together accomplished student leaders and students with leadership potential from around the state of Maryland to network and develop the skills necessary to succeed in all facets of their lives.

White House Initiative on Educational Excellence For Hispanics Internship (2013)
The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics seeks talented students to intern in Washington, D.C. This is an unpaid internship. Interested students should visit their college and career center.

Out of Area

Offers worldwide sailing, scuba diving, community service and marine biology camps for teens.

Adventures Cross-Country (ARCC)
Has offered innovative experiences for teenagers in community service, language, and leadership for the past 26 years. Visit or call 800-767-2722

Alfred University
Offers summer programs in entrepreneurial leadership, swimming, creative writing, computer engineering, theater, equestrian camp, astronomy, women’s leadership. For more information visit

AIFS Summer Advantage
Offers summer programs in China, England, France, Italy, Russia and Spain. Students can experience university life before they enroll in college. Excursions and extracurricular activities are included.

AIU High School Diplomats
Brings American and Japanese students together at Princeton University for a 10-day cross-cultural and educational exchange program. All current sophomores and juniors are encouraged to apply. There is no cost to the participants. Japanese is not a pre-requisite. It runs from July 27 – August 6th. Applications must be postmarked by Jan. 8th. Visit for more information

ASA Summersion 
Offers college prep and cultural immersion programs. Call 800-752-2250.

Boston College Summer Experience Program
Spend 6 weeks at Boston College taking college courses and earning college credit. It is open to highly motivated rising seniors with outstanding academic records. For more information call 617-552-3800 or email

Boston University Summer Term
A high school honors program and a summer challenge program. The High School Honors Program offers talented rising seniors a rich environment for personal growth through academic achievement. The Summer Challenge Program is an opportunity to preview college life and course-work in a non-credit setting.

Broadreach College
Educational summer adventures for teenagers 13-18 years old. Their academic adventure division, Broadreach Study Abroad Adventure for Middle school, High school and College Students, offers college-accredited programs in marine sciences, cultural studies and language immersion in unique destinations around the world. Please call 888-833-1907 for more information.

The Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Israel
For outstanding Jewish students who are 11th graders. The program’s goal is to increase understanding and tolerance among the different Jewish denominations. It is an expense paid program in Israel followed by a fall seminar in NYC. Fellowship awards are based on merit. Visit for more information.

Brown University Pre-College Summer Program
Motivated high school students are invited to experience all facets of life on an Ivy League campus. Students can choose from either seven-week credit courses or shorter mini-courses in a wide variety of subjects.

Career Explorations
Offers high school students the opportunity to explore career fields in four and five week internships in Boston and New York.

Carleton College
A summer writing program from during the month of July for college-bound juniors with strong reading and writing skills.

Carnegie Mellon 
Discover Carnegie Mellon. Summer residential experience for HS juniors or seniors on campus for six weeks. Programs: Advanced Placement, Architecture, Art, Design, Drama & Music; National High School Game Academy. To learn more: call 412-268-2082 or email

The University of Chicago
A wide variety of unique programs for high school students. Students may choose from an array of undergraduate courses to take for credit.

Choate Rosemary Hall Summer Program
Offers two, four or five week residential programs. Students leave the program with better time-management and study skills.
Concordia Language Villages
Offers a summer language immersion camp for students 7-18 years old.
Cornell Summer College
Two three-week, three-credit programs for talented sophomores, juniors, and seniors from around the world. Students take fascinating courses with leading Cornell faculty members. Earn college credit and experience college life. Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis.

The Curie Academy
A one-week residential program designed for high school girls who excel in math and science and want to learn more about careers in engineering. Students must have completed at least algebra II and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. For further information, contact 607-255-6403 or email


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